UNI POLICY PdR 125/2022


The corporate management of Futurplast s.r.l., considering the evolving context, formally makes a commitment to a policy related to gender equality, defining principles, objectives and guiding indications that define the organization’s employment towards issues related to gender equality and the enhancement of diversity in the corporate context.

Gender Equality policy starts with monitoring and maintaining the absence of pay and career advancement differences in order to better highlight and support women’s empowerment.

The company, which has always been attentive to the evolution of the market and the needs of businesses, implements a policy aimed at fostering Gender Equality not only internally, but also by privileging relationships and business relations with companies and entrepreneurs equally committed to the issues of inclusion and Gender Equality, while respecting the impartiality requirements inherent in the third-party verification and certification activities that are and remain the company’s core business.

Futurplast s.r.l. is therefore committed to:

– To apply human resource management and development practices that promote an inclusive culture of access to company jobs and growth in career progression, ensuring equal opportunities for all staff through the adoption of a culture based on meritocracy. Strives to ensure that women and men, equally, are represented in internal appointment processes, including managerial positions;
– to respect and emphasize the culture of diversity and inclusiveness, to pursue the creation of the best possible conditions for attracting, growing and retaining talented people, regardless of gender diversity;
– to improve the work-life balance of employees at all stages of their personal and professional lives, supporting them during and after periods of long absence from work, avoiding any discrimination during and after leave, allowing them to stay in contact with the Company during the same, and facilitating reintegration at the end;
– To transparently communicate internally and externally (including marketing and advertising activities) the desire to pursue gender equality, value diversity, and support employment growth of the female gender;
– to maintain a work environment that is inclusive, collaborative, supportive, transparent and open to listening to all staff, regardless of gender diversity;
– to maintain gender pay equity by facilitating the participation and retention of women in the workforce, valuing their skills and ensuring the fair remuneration of jobs and occupations with equivalent socioeconomic value. Periodic compensation interventions, processes and short-term and long-term incentive systems are anchored on principles of recognition of the responsibilities assigned, the results achieved and the quality of the professional contribution provided;
– to ensure equal opportunities in capacity development and not to hinder career advancement to top positions for women by ensuring equal and fair participation in training and development paths, with both genders present. Senior management also ensures that people involved in recruitment processes receive adequate training on gender equality and cognitive biases that can negatively impact selection processes;
– to have zero tolerance for harassment and all forms of discrimination related to sex, gender identity, age, origin, religion, gender orientation, physical appearance, health, disability, union activity, political opinion, nationality, family situation.

To ensure that Gender Equality is adequately managed and best integrated into all business processes, Futurplast s.r.l. defines, within the Strategic Plan, detailed objectives and Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the 6 thematic areas defined in UNI PdR 125/2022 related to:

– Culture and strategy Governance
– Human Resources Management Processes
– Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in business
– Pay equity by gender Parenting protection and work-life balance

The Directorate has defined, in consultation with the Gender Equality Steering Committee, all the resources needed to implement the Strategic Plan, including a budget that will be used to support the concrete initiatives that will be put in place.

Management commits all staff to compliance with this Policy and the values it contains, and delegates its implementation, communication and dissemination to the Gender Equality Steering Committee.

Rome, 08.07.2024
